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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

Glimpses of God at St. Edward's

Y2 Pupils wrote spontaneous prayers in their break time. (May 2024)

Y1 Pupil found by teacher spontaneously praying in the classroom.
(Lent 2024)

Y6 Pupil made independent link to our Mission Statement in his school council
election speech, and then went home and wrote a moto for the class based on it too.
(September 2023)

Y6 pupils brought in Easter flowers and chocolates (bought with their own
money) to give out to the public "to make them smile."
(March 2023)

Y4 pupil on our annual questionnaires asking what is your favourite thing about the school, wrote,
"we learn about Jesus and God."
(March 2023)

Y3 pupil on our annual questionnaire about their favourite thing about the school wrote,
"how we are a Catholic school."
(March 2023)

Y4 pupil when the class was talking about love said,
"If Jesus hadn't come down to Earth, we wouldn't have love in the world."
(March 2023)

Y1 pupil during Lent wrote a spontaneous prayer saying,
"Dear Lord, help me not to sin."
(March 2023)

A YF pupil in general chat said, "Jesus opened up the gates of Heaven."
(Feb 2023)

Y6 Pupil made a card for a YF child and wrote in it, "Remember that whenever a flower
blossoms, there is hope." When asked why, they said, "hope is a virtue which grows like
a flower grows." 
(Fed 2023)

Y1 Pupil writing an alphabet poem wrote, "G is for God who is all
around us."
(Feb 2023)

C2 pupils, during wet play, made a cross for their teacher to find in
their computer as,
"it is the best gift."
*Nov 2022)

Y1 Pupil:
Following C5's promotion of their charity fundraising for St Gemma's
made her own prayer card at home to St Gemma and brought it in.
(Nov 2022)

Y1 Pupil said when talking about doing your best:
You don't need to worry, God is with you.
(Nov 2022)

YF Pupil comments made independently:
I like God and Jesus as they are the light of the world - they are the best.

We love football but we love God and Jesus most. 
(Nov 2022)

YF Pupil chose to make a cross "for Jesus" in free-play time. (Oct 2022)

Y1 pupil when learning about the Ascension. Someone said Jesus had gone up to Heaven:
But Jesus is always with us; he's in our hearts.
May 2022

YF pupil to teacher who led morning prayers:
I loved your morning prayers, it was lovely, I felt lovely.
April 2022

A Y2 Pupil made 
"the Holy Trinity" during class:
(March 2022)

Y5 pupils when wished a lovely weekend said:
It will be a lovely weekend as I have my First Holy Communion.
February 2022

Y6 Pupil walking YF back from church said:
It's like we're God guiding the little children back home but both church and school are home.
January 2022

Y1 child discussing gifts we'd give to Jesus:
I'd give Jesus my heart.
January 2022

Y4 Pupil in science lesson:
Living things die except God - He lives forever.
December 2021

Y3 pupils is positive psychology week said:
Happiness is being friends of God.
October 2021

Y3 Girls worked out how to make the sign for our virtue of Respect:
(September 2021)

Two YF pupils were sitting with their hands together ready for prayers. Another child said:
They are filled with the Holy Spirit.
June 2021

After morning meditation prayers, a Y5 pupil said:
I'm really looking forward to Monday when we can hug people again. Hugging Jesus felt safe, I think because
you know that God is there and is protecting you. It will be the same on Monday.
May 2021

A Y4 pupil said they wouldn't go to the toilet during Class Collective Worship because:
This is the most important time of the week.
April 2021

A Y3 child writing subordinate clauses wrote:
When you need a friend, you can always talk to God.
April 2021

A Y1 child had to use the word reading in a sentence in English. They wrote:
I was reading the word of God.
April 2021

A Y2 child took an extra palm for her teacher on Palm Sunday, saying:
I'm sure she'd like one.
March 2021

Pupils on walk in January lockdown saw a double rainbow. Y4 child said:
This was our sign of hope from God.
January 2021

A Y1 child came up to their teacher spontaneously and said:
I just made time for God.
October 2020

A Y1 child placed "God" in the middle of their trust flower and said:
I'm putting God in the centre because I trust him the most.
June 2020

A YF pupil was asked "What does Catholic mean?" He said:
That we are strong and God is with us.
(February 2020)

A Y3 pupil:
When I'm scared, I remember that God is with me.
(Jan 2020) 

A YF pupil worked voluntarily in the workshop. She said:
I'm trying to make a cross because our school believes in Jesus.
(Dec 2019)

YF child said to the teacher:
I've got something really special on my tree. It's a cross.
(Dec 2019)

The Y1 child playing Joseph, during rehearsals for our Advent Presentation:
This is the best, most special thing I've ever done in this school.
(Dec 2019)

A Y3 pupil wanting to write about something different to the lesson content:
Can I write about Mary because she was lovely?
(Nov 2019)

A Y5 pupil, discussing kindness said:
Kindness would taste like the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
(July 2019)

A YF child said:
I want to be God because I want to fly and to listen to everyone's ideas.
(June 2019)

A Y3 child was asked, "Why belong to the Church?" They replied:
I want to belong to make God proud.
(June 2019)

A Y1 child said of Jesus:
He always shows the virtue of love.
(June 2019)

A YF child went voluntarily to the altar to pray for a Y6 child who had hurt herself at playtime.
(May 2019)

A YF child said after a classmate's sore elbow got better:
Maybe Jesus healed her because he can make people better."
(April 2019)

A Y3 child's comment about a cloud:
That looks like a cross; it must be God showing us it's nearly Easter.
(March 2019)

When Y6 were at the Stations of the Cross at church, a Y3 child asked for a Bible:
She stayed in by choice and looked up the journey of Jesus' Passion (inspired by Y6's visit)
(March 2019)

A Y2 child brought a flower in for the class altar and said:
It is for the Lord.
(March 2019)

The YF teacher asked two children how they could sort an argument out:
YF child replied: We could pray for help.
(March 2019)

A YF child's impromtu prayer to Jesus:
I love you, Jesus. You brighten up my day.
(March 2019)

Y3 child discussing why to visit the Minster on a geography trip to York: 
We should visit the minster so we can talk to God.
(March 2019)

An adult from the NSPCC asked children:
Who can you talk to if you are worried?
Y3 child replied, "God"
(March 2019)

Y1's note left on the class altar:
God and Jesus are with us.
(March 2019)

During C3 geography discussion a Y4 child said:
Only Jesus is strong enough to break up Mount Everest.
(March 2019)

C4 Visit to Martin House Shop: 
After a visit from someone who works at Martin House Children's Hospice, (their class charity) the children decided to bring in items of their own to donate to the shop, showing the virtues of love/charity and justice. Following the visit of Martin House to school, two Y4 pupils had already visited the shop at the weekend to take in some donations.
(Feb 2019) 

A Y4 pupil told their teacher:
I saw a homeless man; he looked lonely so I bought him some food because I know that's what Jesus would do.
(Jan 2019)

A Y6 pupil during Anti-Bullying Week:
If we bully others, we're disrespecting God. We should do the right thing and spread kindness because that's spreading the word of God.
(Nov 2018)

A Y6 pupil on the Day of Mercy:
All the Acts of Mercy link to the virtue of love. All these acts in action are showing people Jesus' love.
(Nov 2018)

A YF child made hearts out of playdough:
Teacher: "Why did you make hearts in playdough?"
Child: "For God, because he is my friend."
(Nov 2018)

A conversation overheard between 3 YF pupils:
Child 1: "Do you know that Jesus is God's son?"
Child 2: " And God is here for every morning."
Child 3: "And every night."
(Oct 2018)

A Y3 pupil asked his teacher during story writing:
"Can I write that I knew  I was going to be alright because God would protect me?"
(Oct 2018)

Two Y6 pupils collected some leaves from the grounds to put on the class altar. A third Y6 pupil stated:
"They collected the leaves because they wanted to collect God's beauty."
(Oct 2018)

Mission Christmas Appeal 2018:

The Mini Vinnies once again organised taking part in the Radio Aire Appeal to provide toys for Christmas for those less fortunate in our local area. Lots of presents were donated.


Mini Vinnie Day: 
Our Mini Vinnie group invited the Mini Vinnies from Barkston Ask Primary School, to join us for a special celebration day. During the day the children made Easter baskets to sell for charity. They then learnt various worship songs, before preparing a liturgy in groups. We ended the day by celebrating the liturgy together. The children all worked wonderfully together and demonstrated what it is to be a Mini Vinnie.
Mini-Vinnie Visits January 2017:
Our Mini-Vinnie group continue to do works of charity and look at the Acts of Mercy. Some of the group have visited one of our senior parishioners at home.

Christmas Toy Collection: 

Our Mini-Vinnie group organised a collection of toys as part of the Radio Aire Christmas Appeal. These toys will go to children and young people who otherwise would receive no Christmas presents. The huge number of toys and presents collected in school demonstrates everyone's generosity and care for others.

Mini-Vinnies lead on Acts of Mercy:

The Mini-Vinnie group in school is concentrating on raising funds to do as many of the Acts of Mercy as possible. They have held a clothes and blankets collection for the refugees from Syria, under the act of "Clothe the naked" and have raised money, bought food and delivered it to the food bank warehouse, in order to respond to "Feed the hungry."
Turning Concern into Action:
Due to the SVP moto of "Turning Concern into Action" our Mini-Vinnies do not simply ask for donations when they fund raise - they make the products themselves (eg cakes or Easter baskets) to sell in order to fund their charitable acts.

Three Foundation children told their teacher, "We've been playing Mini Vinnies. We've been practicing so we can help each other and be a Mini Vinnie when we are older." (Summer term 2016)

We opened our Mini Vinnie group up to years 4, 5 and 6. That we got 35 children volunteer to join this group, and thus give up their time to help others in need is a real testament to the work of God at St. Edward's.

Question: How should we live?
Answer: "We should show that God is in our hearts." Quote from 4 year old in morning prayers.
Spontaneous prayer from 6 year old
"Thank you God for inviting me into your world."
Poem from 11 year old about the Sign of the Cross: 
"When I make the sign of the cross,
I remember Jesus dying on the cross to forgive our sins.
I think of the Holy Trinity and when the disciples
received the Holy Spirit.
When I touch my forehead,
I think of how God is in my thoughts.
I ask Him to be in my mind all the time,
especially in hard times.
When I touch my chest,
I think of how God is in my heart.
I ask Him to be forever there,
and to always love me.

When I touch my shoulders,
I think of the Holy Spirit coming down.
I ask God to help me with responsibility,
and help me remember what He wants me to do.
When I make the sign of the cross,
I think of God and all He has sacrificed for me.
I think of Jesus who has given up so much for me,
and would do anything for me."
After the Passion Play 2014: One Reception child, age 4, was inspired to make the Y6 pupil who played Jesus a picture of herself playig the role, surrounded by her disciples.
Question: Why do you like yellow?
Answer: It reminds me of Jesus who is the light of the world. Quote from 7 year old.

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