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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

School Events

Please find below a list of our important school dates. You can also look at our school calendar section for the school holidays for the current and next year.



9th April: Parents' Evening.

16th April: C4 trip to Fountain's Abbey - Y4 will visit the Abbey today as part of their RE curriculum.

17th April: YF Stay and Play - just turn up this morning to play in class alongside your child

22nd April: Earth Day - The curriculum will be collapsed today as all pupils learn about and celebrate Earth Day, including how and why we should look after our planet.

24th April: C5 Trip to Ampleforth - Year 5 will visit the abbey today as part of their RE curriculum.

26th April - Y3/4 Football tournament - the next round for our winning team is today

20th April: Y4 Skipping Final - having won their last round, Class 4 take part in the Leeds Final today.




9th May: Ascension Mass - at church at 9am

Week of 13th May: Y6 SATs Week

17th May:  Y6 visit to the shrine of Our Lady of the Cragg along with St John Fisher's and other primaries

Week of 20th May: This is both our annual, "Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies Week," and also, "Walk to School Week."

23rd May - Marian Mass - at church at 9am. Our Faith in Action pupils will plan this mass. 

23rd May - Fun Run - this afternoon is our annual Fun Run, which always takes place in Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies Week




Week 3rd June: Prayer Week - a themed week to celebrate the Year of Prayer, which precedes the Pope's Jubilee Year of the Pilgrim 2025

8th June: Y4 First Communion Day

10th June: Ocean Day - our Eco Committee will lead our marking of this important national day

10-12th June: Y5/6 Residential trip

12th June: Y4 First Communion Retreat - this afternoon Y4 will visit St John's School for the Deaf for a retreat celebrating their First Communion

13th June: School Photos

25th June: Y5 Taster Day at St John Fisher

27th June: Class 2 Skipping Festival

28th June: KS2 Speaking and Listening competition final




3rd July: European Day - our annual European Day during which pupils learn all about a European country and culture

5th July: Exposition, Benediction and Eucharistic procession for Y6, at church this afternoon

8th July: Y6 trip to Filey

10th July: Sports Day

11th July: International Food Festival

15th July: Y6 Retreat - at St John's School for the Deaf

18th July: End of Year Mass - 9.15am in school










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