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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

Class F - Reception

YF Earth Day: YF planted lots of flowers on Earth Day to attract the bees and they also went on a nature walk.
YF outside Prayer area: 
The YF extended outdoor area includes an outdoor area for prayer, which children have been voluntarily using.

YF Enjoying their Extended Outside Learning Area:
See photos below of YF playing in the Mud Kitchen, Den Building, Climbing and plank walking!
YF Stay and Play, October 2023: We invited our mummies and daddies in to play alongside
us in the classroom.
International Week: YF learnt about India in our annual International Week. Here they are 
wearing Indian bindis.
YF Free-Choice Activities:
Pupils are interested in the class altar.

They love the tyre play.
Being creative in the tuff tray.
Enjoying the role-play area.

Dressing up and performing on stage.
Class Rules:
YF pupils thought about how they would like to treat each other and be treated in class
and came up with their own class rules.

I Feel Safe:
Class F have learnt all about what and who keeps them safe in school.

E-Safety: Pupils in Class F have learnt about how to be safe with devices/online.

Our Classrooms