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St Edward's

Catholic Primary School

01937 843946

Through God's Grace we grow and learn.

Class 2 - Year 2

 Miss C Brown


Curriculum Letter Summer 2024


Class 2 Knowledge Organisers

Autumn 2023 

RE - The Chosen People

RE - Mysteries
KO- Maths Year 2 Geography - Studying the UK, British Isles and the seven continents and oceans of the world History - Joseph Roundtree DT - Card making – range of folds

DT - Pizza Making

Computing - Junior Jam KO Autumn 1

Computing - Junior Jam KO Autumn 2

Music A1 - Hands, Feet, Heart

Music - Advent Presentation 

Music - Glockenspiels

Art - Drawing skills (Georgia O’Keeffe)

Art - 2

PE - Agility, balance and coordination including gymnastic skills

PE - Throwing and Catching


 Computing - Junior Jam KO Spring 1

Computing - Junior Jam KO Spring 2

Computing - Junior Jam KO Summer 1

Computing - Junior Jam KO Summer 2

C2 Earth Day: Y2 dressed in blue and green for International Earth Day:

C2 Skipping: Pupils in Class 2 are enjoying practising for their upcoming Skipping Festival.


International Week:
 C2 had a fabulous week exploring Thailand. They looked at Asian elephants and the 
type of patterns seen in Thai paintings and fabrics. They created their own elephant art work using watercolours.
Then they used oil pastels to create a Thai patterned plate.

DT Cards: Children is Class 2 designed and made 3-D cards in their DT lessons, exploring different folds.

I Feel Safe: Pupils learnt all about what keeps us safe in and around school.

Online Safety: Class 2 explored all the things that keep them safe online and what they should do if they feel uncomfortable
with anything online.

Class Rules: Pupils began the year by thinking about what rules we need to keep us
all safe and happy in class.



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